Don’t Settle for Trash!

Ya’ll this weather is so beautiful! I am so excited. 😊 Of all the seasons, fall is my absolute favorite. It’s not too hot, it’s not too cold. You can sit on the porch in the rocking chair without sweating. I’ve been able to take less Zyrtec because the air has been thinner and the humidity not as bothersome as the hot summer days bring.

Weather wise, I REALLY enjoyed this past week. One day, I was feeling so exhilarated by it all that I worked out outside! Yes, outside…it was simply too pretty to be trapped in a building in artificial environments with man-made light, sounds and smells when nature was calling me. I am currently planning out my time at the fire pit complete with some good-ole camp site s’more-making when the sun sets. So, while I had a minute, I wanted to sit down and chronicle a couple of thoughts that really stood out to me this week.

Recently, I was introduced to a new channel which had endless amounts of good movies and documentaries on it. This is the stuff I LOVE to watch. I love narratives and real life stories of change. I love learning and broadening my range of thought. I couldn’t wait to start binge watching. Before I got ready to dig in, I pondered how many not so good things I’d binge watched because the show was popular, because it was accessible, and because it was plentiful.

I am a firm believer that what we allow into our gates through our senses comes out in our behaviors. The same principle holds true with health. If you’re constantly ingesting trash food, fast food, super sugary foods, and highly processed foods, eventually you’re going to see the results in your body and in your health physically and psychologically. In other words, if you choose trash, you will bear the results of that trash in your life.

Can I tell you that the same is true about what you read? As a friend, I want you to know that the same is true of what you look at and what you listen to. Eventually, the trash that you’re putting in your mind, your heart, and your spirit will show up in your actions. Don’t settle for trash. It may take a little extra work. It may take a little more effort. You may have to be a bit more selective. You may have to search a little more for something “nutritious” to digest. But, the benefits are long-lasting.

Just because “trash” is plentiful doesn’t mean you should settle for it. Just because “trash” conversations are easy to get into doesn’t mean you should engage in them. Just because “trash” food is plentiful doesn’t mean you should eat it. Just because “trash” tv is available doesn’t mean you should continuously indulge in it. Just because “trash” media and social media is popular doesn’t mean you should downgrade your standards to engage in it. Don’t settle for trash.

You, yes you. Don’t settle for trash.

Now to the fire pit…


Do It Anyway


Head’s Up