Welcome Back
Hey you! How have you been my friend? It’s been quite some time since you stopped by for a visit? Let me run inside and grab you a mug to pour some tea. Have a seat next to my rocking chair. Welcome back!
As spring forward marches and launches himself onto the scene bursting with unbridled energy; while winter promptly exits the stage peering over her shoulder at what was, I want to warmly welcome you back to yourself.
You may think that no one noticed but you haven’t been you in awhile. Certainly you’ve been functional. You’ve worked, paid bills, laughed at a joke or two, and even enjoyed a meal with friends from time to time. However, the truth is, the joy and hope that normally accompany those moments has been vacant from your eyes. Even before the pandemic you were wearing an emotional mask securely fastened to hide the expressions that would have exposed the moments when you were tired and tapped out because life just kept on life-ing.
I heard you say —all is well— your patented answer given to everyone who asks how you’re doing. I watched you little by little lose the twinkle in your eye as recovery from one major event was often overshadowed by the next which continuously created a snowball of questions some answered, some still swimming in a sea of enigmas.
I watched you push through fear to do simple things that you would normally not even have given a second thought to. I grieved for you when you encouraged others while running on fumes yourself. It was exhausting to watch you continue an uphill climb; but when you hopped out of the car today, I saw that the spark had returned to your eyes. And, I just wanted to say, welcome back my friend. I’ve missed you!
Welcome back to the porch with me. I’ve missed chatting about your dreams and ambition. Welcome back to your purpose and position. Welcome back to fitting like a hand in a glove or a body to a tailored garment portioned just for you. Welcome back to smiles and laughs with friends whose faces you can now see in places where it was recently forbidden. Welcome to stillness moved only by time which passes without permission. Welcome back to doing the things you enjoy from a place of gratitude in full acknowledgment of the grace that is so much more than the unmerited favor that we have relegated it to.
Welcome back to you! Welcome back to feeling inspired again to do all that you were intended to do. Welcome back to picking up that pen, writing again, and welcome back to singing too! Welcome back to work, and welcome back to play. Welcome back to each moment in every minute of each day. Welcome back to being authentic for a copy you’ll never be. Welcome back to being unique. Welcome to newness. Welcome to spring.