The Phenomenon of God’s Sovereignty Dakota Williams

The wind blew softly as the raft cut across the waters of the Sea of Alaska. As our raft traveled away from the glacier where we camped, I started to say a prayer. With land fading out of eyesight and only the hum from the raft’s motor to fill my ears, a feeling of fear began to overwhelm me. I was flooded with a million thoughts about the choices that had led to me being there at that moment.

Then the raft stopped and the Earth around me was silent, save for the faint roar of the chilly winds and the splash of the sea’s waves. As the sun set, I wondered why we stopped and suddenly as the sun began to depart from the sky, I was able to see why we were there. At that predetermined time, at that predetermined place, within our view was the curvature of the Earth. I never thought I would see such a sight with scientific and spiritual meaning. The initial overwhelming sense of fear was replaced with joy.

At this point, I didn’t think that my day could get any better. I had my photos and was ready to leave, but we still remained. And as the last bit of light left, I was engulfed in darkness. But before the fear and thoughts of worry could enter into my mind, the night sky began to illuminate. I was so overcome with excitement that I couldn’t even fathom what I was seeing. At that moment, I forgot every scientific explanation I had ever learned. I was viewing a phenomenon so beautiful and rare that I was speechless. As I realized that what was before me was the Aurora Borealis, I dropped my camera and just basked in the essence of the lights.

I began to reflect on the idea that the Earth’s curvature and these auroras were predetermined in the beginning of creation. That on the seventh day, when God rested from creating, He was still controlling these aspects of His world. But why? Why create these things? Are they independent factors in creation or do they serve as reminders of the creativity and complexity of the design of the God of all creation? I never found the direct answers to these questions; but seven years later, as I am reflecting on that moment, one fact is much more clear. That there are no limits to God’s rule. He is sovereign over the entire world and everything that happens in it. So why was I able to see the curvature of the Earth and why does the Aurora Borealis exist? Because God wanted them to exist. He found them pleasing in His sight and God does whatever He pleases.

So if God designed these phenoms strategically and He orchestrates when and where they will be and what they will do, does He not do the same for mankind? That in itself is a phenomenon I often consider this question and my experiences in Alaska, when I try to define the role that God plays in my life. God is sovereign over the universe in which I exist. He is sovereign over the salvation that I seek. He is sovereign over the suffering that by faith I will be delivered from. He is sovereign over His global mission which I pray to take part in and the details of the tasks I will be given.

But even knowing all these things, I still find myself somehow trying to act independently of Christ. It may not be anything that I say, but it can be found in my heart and thoughts when I think I know the way a situation should be handled without consulting God. Living in a time period where I pushed to be forward thinking, innovative, and to never hold back, I often find myself thinking that I know what is best for my life and others. If I just implement this plan, if I just take this step, apply for this job, hold this title in church, join the right organizations then there is no way I can fail. If people take my sound advice, if I can speak in a manner to coerce them into following my plan, then they will change.

But regardless of how right I may be or may think I am, my doing can never replace the sovereignty of God. His wisdom and His righteous actions are things that I can only hope to share in, but never surpass or replace. I have doubts, worries, fears, insecurities, and biases, but God is always certain, He is never frustrated or helpless and He provides a place where we can be free and secure in Him.

My future success is reliant on my acceptance and belief in the sovereignty of God.


The Grace of God Albert Conerly


“Check Engine”